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To-do: Unclassified proto-rules

This is our to-do list. Eventually, the entries will become rules or parts of rules. Alternatively, we will decide that no change is needed and delete the entry.

  • No long-distance friendship
  • Should physical design (what's in a file) and large-scale design (libraries, groups of libraries) be addressed?
  • Namespaces
  • Avoid using directives in the global scope (except for std, and other "fundamental" namespaces (e.g. experimental))
  • How granular should namespaces be? All classes/functions designed to work together and released together (as defined in Sutter/Alexandrescu) or something narrower or wider?
  • Should there be inline namespaces (à la std::literals::*_literals)?
  • Avoid implicit conversions
  • Const member functions should be thread safe ... aka, but I don't really change the variable, just assign it a value the first time it's called ... argh
  • Always initialize variables, use initialization lists for member variables.
  • Anyone writing a public interface which takes or returns void* should have their toes set on fire. That one has been a personal favorite of mine for a number of years. :)
  • Use const-ness wherever possible: member functions, variables and (yippee) const_iterators
  • Use auto
  • (size) vs. {initializers} vs. {Extent{size}}
  • Don't overabstract
  • Never pass a pointer down the call stack
  • falling through a function bottom
  • Should there be guidelines to choose between polymorphisms? YES. classic (virtual functions, reference semantics) vs. Sean Parent style (value semantics, type-erased, kind of like std::function) vs. CRTP/static? YES Perhaps even vs. tag dispatch?
  • should virtual calls be banned from ctors/dtors in your guidelines? YES. A lot of people ban them, even though I think it's a big strength of C++ that they are ??? -preserving (D disappointed me so much when it went the Java way). WHAT WOULD BE A GOOD EXAMPLE?
  • Speaking of lambdas, what would weigh in on the decision between lambdas and (local?) classes in algorithm calls and other callback scenarios?
  • And speaking of std::bind, Stephen T. Lavavej criticizes it so much I'm starting to wonder if it is indeed going to fade away in future. Should lambdas be recommended instead?
  • What to do with leaks out of temporaries? : p = (s1 + s2).c_str();
  • pointer/iterator invalidation leading to dangling pointers:
    void bad()
        int* p = new int[700];
        int* q = &p[7];
        delete p;

        vector<int> v(700);
        int* q2 = &v[7];

        // ... use q and q2 ...
  • LSP
  • private inheritance vs/and membership
  • avoid static class members variables (race conditions, almost-global variables)
  • Use RAII lock guards (lock_guard, unique_lock, shared_lock), never call mutex.lock and mutex.unlock directly (RAII)
  • Prefer non-recursive locks (often used to work around bad reasoning, overhead)
  • Join your threads! (because of std::terminate in destructor if not joined or detached ... is there a good reason to detach threads?) -- ??? could support library provide a RAII wrapper for std::thread?
  • If two or more mutexes must be acquired at the same time, use std::lock (or another deadlock avoidance algorithm?)
  • When using a condition_variable, always protect the condition by a mutex (atomic bool whose value is set outside of the mutex is wrong!), and use the same mutex for the condition variable itself.
  • Never use atomic_compare_exchange_strong with std::atomic<user-defined-struct> (differences in padding matter, while compare_exchange_weak in a loop converges to stable padding)
  • individual shared_future objects are not thread-safe: two threads cannot wait on the same shared_future object (they can wait on copies of a shared_future that refer to the same shared state)
  • individual shared_ptr objects are not thread-safe: different threads can call non-const member functions on different shared_ptrs that refer to the same shared object, but one thread cannot call a non-const member function of a shared_ptr object while another thread accesses that same shared_ptr object (if you need that, consider atomic_shared_ptr instead)
  • rules for arithmetic